Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Blog Post #5


A specific example of how ritual maintains the structure of my culture is my ritual for fishing. The Banana Boat Beach Bum Crew fishes for fish every single morning as a way to provide for their community. New members are expected to partake in this ritual from day 1. Every day to BBBBs is pretty much the same and that is really due to the rituals that have been made for them. They wake up, put on their sunblock, go fish, eat, relax and repeat process. It is kinda of like a shampoo bottle instructions. They do the same thing every day because their needs are so simplistic and uncomplicated that that is all they have to do in order to survive. It’s not about living hard and working hard, it’s just about living to the BBBBs.

The coconut tree also maintains the structure of BBBB society because it is a place for the BBBBs to relax and remember why they are living the life they are living.

The quarter and sunblock both maintain the structure of the society because they are both materialistic goods that BBBBs find necessary in order for their survival on the beach. They are both small needs that alone don’t amount to anything, but when they are used in the manner that the BBBBs use them, then they mean a lot. A quarter can’t even buy you a loaf of bread, but to a BBBB it is just a reminder that they don’t need much. Sunblock is just a preventative measure against serious sunburns and skin cancer.


Perpetuation is a bit more difficult to pinpoint with the BBBBs rituals because BBBBs don’t really celebrate birthdays or have Fish feast of the day or any sort of celebration. Their day is sort of a celebration in laziness and how you can just bum around and enjoy life. There is no monetary means for them to throw parties or do anything extraordinary. As it was stated in the maintenance section of this post, BBBBs just do the same thing day in and day out. That is their ritual. However, the repetitive sameness of their lives really allows for cultural continuity. BBBBs fall into a cycle and they just continue to follow it because the cycle allows them to be on a permanent vacation year round. I’m pretty sure if the BBBBs had a motto, it would be something like “Hakuna Matata”


The fishing ritual reflects the cultural norms of the BBBBs because it is something that is expected of every member. It is something that is necessary for survival and most BBBBs don’t even look at fishing as work. It’s just something fun and relaxing that provides food for their community.

The Quarter which is an example of an ideological ritual reflects the values of the BBBBS because BBBBs don’t believe in having excess of anything, especially money. As it has been stated in previous posts, BBBBs really don’t feel the need to go overboard on material things. That is the main reason that they are content being beach bums and just living their life on a tent on a beach. The ritual involving the quarter reflects this value because since the money is of such a small denomination, BBBBs will never have too much! They will never be wasteful or forget why they are living in a tent on the beach. It’s by their own personal choice. They don’t need much and the quarter shows this.

Sunblock which is a revitalization ritual reflects the cultural norm that because BBBBs really want to separate themselves from society as much as they possibly can, they must embrace the use of sunblock in order to try to prevent sickness within their community. The sunblock is slathered on every morning before exiting the tent, and it is reapplied after prolonged surfing or swimming on the beach. BBBBs don’t even really think about this ritual that much, they just do it.

The coconut tree ritual is probably the most important ritual that BBBBs share within their community. The coconut tree allows for BBBBs to relax and to pass on stories  (or cautionary tales about the evil of materialism in society) to other group members. Sitting on the coconut tree is always a peaceful experience. BBBBs are reminded how great life is when you let go of materialistic goods. BBBBs do not fight or talk back or shirk duties. Life is easy because they choose for it to be that way. The coconut tree reflects the value that relaxation and peace is important to them.