Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Blog Post #5


A specific example of how ritual maintains the structure of my culture is my ritual for fishing. The Banana Boat Beach Bum Crew fishes for fish every single morning as a way to provide for their community. New members are expected to partake in this ritual from day 1. Every day to BBBBs is pretty much the same and that is really due to the rituals that have been made for them. They wake up, put on their sunblock, go fish, eat, relax and repeat process. It is kinda of like a shampoo bottle instructions. They do the same thing every day because their needs are so simplistic and uncomplicated that that is all they have to do in order to survive. It’s not about living hard and working hard, it’s just about living to the BBBBs.

The coconut tree also maintains the structure of BBBB society because it is a place for the BBBBs to relax and remember why they are living the life they are living.

The quarter and sunblock both maintain the structure of the society because they are both materialistic goods that BBBBs find necessary in order for their survival on the beach. They are both small needs that alone don’t amount to anything, but when they are used in the manner that the BBBBs use them, then they mean a lot. A quarter can’t even buy you a loaf of bread, but to a BBBB it is just a reminder that they don’t need much. Sunblock is just a preventative measure against serious sunburns and skin cancer.


Perpetuation is a bit more difficult to pinpoint with the BBBBs rituals because BBBBs don’t really celebrate birthdays or have Fish feast of the day or any sort of celebration. Their day is sort of a celebration in laziness and how you can just bum around and enjoy life. There is no monetary means for them to throw parties or do anything extraordinary. As it was stated in the maintenance section of this post, BBBBs just do the same thing day in and day out. That is their ritual. However, the repetitive sameness of their lives really allows for cultural continuity. BBBBs fall into a cycle and they just continue to follow it because the cycle allows them to be on a permanent vacation year round. I’m pretty sure if the BBBBs had a motto, it would be something like “Hakuna Matata”


The fishing ritual reflects the cultural norms of the BBBBs because it is something that is expected of every member. It is something that is necessary for survival and most BBBBs don’t even look at fishing as work. It’s just something fun and relaxing that provides food for their community.

The Quarter which is an example of an ideological ritual reflects the values of the BBBBS because BBBBs don’t believe in having excess of anything, especially money. As it has been stated in previous posts, BBBBs really don’t feel the need to go overboard on material things. That is the main reason that they are content being beach bums and just living their life on a tent on a beach. The ritual involving the quarter reflects this value because since the money is of such a small denomination, BBBBs will never have too much! They will never be wasteful or forget why they are living in a tent on the beach. It’s by their own personal choice. They don’t need much and the quarter shows this.

Sunblock which is a revitalization ritual reflects the cultural norm that because BBBBs really want to separate themselves from society as much as they possibly can, they must embrace the use of sunblock in order to try to prevent sickness within their community. The sunblock is slathered on every morning before exiting the tent, and it is reapplied after prolonged surfing or swimming on the beach. BBBBs don’t even really think about this ritual that much, they just do it.

The coconut tree ritual is probably the most important ritual that BBBBs share within their community. The coconut tree allows for BBBBs to relax and to pass on stories  (or cautionary tales about the evil of materialism in society) to other group members. Sitting on the coconut tree is always a peaceful experience. BBBBs are reminded how great life is when you let go of materialistic goods. BBBBs do not fight or talk back or shirk duties. Life is easy because they choose for it to be that way. The coconut tree reflects the value that relaxation and peace is important to them.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Field Work 2


There was no place for me to add a comment on the June 21 post on Ritual Proccess, so my comment is posted in the Ritual Classification Post.

In addition, I should have responded to LuminousCulture's blog, but it was not completed so I skipped to the next available blog post which was the Gansu Panda Tribe one.

Ritual Classification

Religious Institution-->Fish-->Technology Ritual

Fishing is a technology ritual because technology rituals involve hunting and gathering of food. BBBBs spend a good portion their mornings trying to catch fish from the ocean. Fishing is a way for BBBBs to gather a sufficient amount of food that will allow for the survival of their community. Fish are fished for every single morning in the community of the BBBBs. It is accepted as a daily part of life, and new members to the BBBBs are introduced to this ritual from their very first day as part of the Banana Boat Beach Bum Crew. New members quickly learn the importance of fishing, and of thanking Mother Earth for the food that is provided to BBBB members.

Governmental InstitutionàQuarteràIdeological Ritual               

Ideological rituals serve to maintain normal function of communities and define good and evil. The quarter helps articulate the world view and morals of the BBBBs. They are constantly reminded through this small denomination of money that they are still part of a world that they wish to escape. BBBBs do not care about worldly goods. They only keep enough money available to meet their basic needs, and most of the time the quarter is used for hygienic purposes. BBBBs do not want to be a part of an evil world and the quarter is a constant reminder of the problems that money can cause.

CivilizationàSunblockàRevitalization Ritual

A revitalization ritual is a ritual in which something is identified that has made someone in a group ill. This is the main reason for the obsessive use of Banana Boat sunblock in the BBBB culture. They know that spending too much time in the sun without proper protection will cause skin cancer in the long run. In the short run, they understand that not using sunblock to protect themselves can lead to a very severe sunburn and possibly blisters and infection. The revitalization ritual of sunblock is to prevent any illness from occurring to any BBBB member.

Coconut TreeàFamilyàRite of Identification

BBBBs gather under coconut trees during meal times and during any free time that they have. They use the coconut tree as a gathering place and as a place to hold any discussion that might be necessary for their community. The coconut tree is categorized under “Rite of Identification” because it reinforces values that the BBBBs find important. It is a place where the BBBBs talk, eat, and share stories with each other. Because the BBBBs live in the tropics, and there is seldom much shade available, the coconut tree’s shared shade and the time spent discussing and talking about the importance of life, helps to strengthen the BBBBs group identity. This is where BBBBs are reminded on a daily basis how great it is to be a beach bum.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Rituals and Rite of Passage

Fish-Religious Institution

The Banana Boat Beach Bum crew thanks Mother Earth for providing them with a means of survival in a ritual that is repetitious and redundant. BBBBs fish every morning as soon as they wake up this is how they provide themselves with food for the day. The ritual begins from the second that they grab their fishing poles. The BBBBs start by silently thanking Mother Earth for the feast that they are about to catch. New members to the BBBBs find that they do not start catching many fish, or fish of a great size until they start praying to Mother Earth. The prayer is very short and is more of a chant. It is a private chant within themselves at first, but as the BBBBs wait to catch a fish the catch is vocalized. It starts as a murmur and grows louder and louder until the fish is finally brought on shore. The chant is “Mother, we thank you for the fish!!!!” If the chant is ignored or forgotten, the fish caught will be small and puny, or there will be no fish caught at all. BBBBs that chant while singing on a regular basis are able to catch the biggest fish quickly.  

Quarter- Government

BBBBs will donate any money that is given to them unless it a quarter. They do not have a need to be rich and do not need more than a few quarters for their daily survivor. BBBBs always have a few extra quarters that are kept inside the mesh bag with the sunblock inside the tent. The quarters are mainly used for hygienic purposes. There is a small shower near the public restrooms located on the beach that only costs a quarter to operate. At times when their supply of quarters is running low, or when they have too many, BBBBs will either get rid of the excess by chucking it into the ocean as far as their arms can throw, or they will hold the quarter with both their hands clutch together and their eyes closed. It is at this moment that if they feel they need more money that they will visualize the problem that having too much has caused for them in their previous lives. This ritual comes from the BBBBs belief system that their needs are minimal in a materialistic society that they do not wish to be fully a part of.

Sunblock-Reminder of Civilization

The use of sunblock to the BBBBs minimizes the fear that they have towards civilization. BBBBs do not want to go to a doctor or get sick. They realize that their long hours in the sun will eventually have very dangerous consequences beyond the fact that they will have leathery skin. Sunblock helps assuage this fear. Although BBBBs would love to live on a deserted island completely free of civilization, they realize they do need contact with civilization. The sunblock is a reminder of this. The act of putting on sunblock before leaving their tent in the morning is another ritual that the BBBBs participate in. In fact, the sunblock hands from the ceiling of their tent in a bright green mesh bag. It is impossible to avoid when sitting up in their sleeping bags after a relaxing night spent listening the sound of waves crashing on the surf. This ritual is performed solely as a way to help keep civilization at bay. They do not want to return to 9-5 jobs or a hospital due to skin cancer. Preventive care is the motto of the BBBBs. Sunblock goes on before they even step outside the tent to brush their teeth, or chant to Mother Earth thank you for the fish.

Coconut Tree-Family

The coconut tree is the least developed ritual that the BBBBs have. Because the coconut tree represents relaxation and allows the BBBBs to gather together as a family, the BBBBs just make sure to always welcome anyone to sit with them. If you are sitting under the coconut tree with them, it doesn’t matter who you are, but at that moment you are family to the BBBBs. BBBBs first started sitting under coconut tree because sitting in the hot sun was not an option. Sitting inside a stifling hot tent was not an option either, and that left the only shade available for miles: Coconut Trees. Coconut trees provided a place for BBBBs to sit together and talk peacefully during their downtime. It is a place where they solve any problems, and remind themselves of how lucky they are to live the life that they are living. BBBBs also eat under the coconut tree, and before eating they always thank Mother Earth one more time for the feast that she has helped provide.

Rite of Passage:

Separation-Separation begins for the BBBBs from the minute that they decide to become a Banana Boat Beach Bum Crew member. It is once that they have forsaken their material possessions and severed their ties to civilization that the separation process begins. A potential BBBB member must also quit their job and reduce any times to the civilized world. No cell phones, no computers are a part of this community and new members must learn to live with television.

Liminal-The liminal stage begins once rituals associated with BBBBs are learned. This process is very easy, and almost seamless though and there is not much of a transition period from separation to liminal. At this stage BBBBs are full fledge members of the Banana Boat Beach Bum Crew. They are treated like all of the other members. No one has more power, or less power than anyone else. Everyone has the same expectations of each other. They are expected to keep up with the camp, help provide food, thank Mother Earth, and to share stories with other group members. The nice part about this society is that members are expected and encouraged to help each other out. It is not about who does most, or who didn’t do what, but about participating in what you can. It is a society of relaxation. This liminal stage is extremely easy to get into. Picture yourself on vacation mode—that is the liminal state for BBBBs. They do what they have to do, but not more than that.


This stage sadly is at the end of the BBBBs life. BBBBs are still full-fledged members even when they are extremely old. This stages is evident if you are BBBB that has been given an air mattress. BBBBs tend to not have anything for comfort, but they do realize that their older members might need a little bit more to be comfortable. Older members are not expected to participate as much with the fishing, but are encouraged to relaxed under the coconut tree and share stories with other BBBBs as much as possible. The reincorporation stage is marked by the stories the older members tell the younger members. It is a reminder to relax and take it easy. You get one life, so live in a way that makes you happy….those of are the themes of the stories that the older members in the reincorporation stage tell.

Friday, June 15, 2012



Symbol Theory


The quarter is an example of a condensation symbol.  A condensation symbol according to Victor Turner is a “symbol that synthesizes a variety of meanings within one single form.” The quarter represents not only independence, but it also is a daily reminder that the Banana Boat Beach Bums do not need a lot in order to survive. It is by getting back to the basics that the BBBBs have been able to successfully and peacefully live in this manner. There is never any fighting about who has a better swimsuit, or who ate a big juicy steak for dinner, because with a very small monetary amount (quarters) BBBBs are able to provide for all their basic needs.  It is a daily reminder that they do not need to be materialistic in a world that thrives on selling everything. The quarter is considered a condensation symbol because it has more than one meaning.

Unification of Disparate Significata:

The significance of sunblock to the Banana Boat Beach Bum Crew is extremely important. The significance of the deeper meanings of this symbol is interconnected by the common possession of analogous qualities. This basically means that a lot of different ideas and meanings that might not make sense to an outsider (or in all honesty be apparent to an outsider) are present in the symbol of sunblock to the BBBBs. At the simplest level, Banana Boat Sunblock represents the BBBBs “extended vacation” (and by extended I mean never ending) It is only well this symbol is examined that it is seen that it is not just skin cancer preventing sunblock to the BBBBs, but it is reminder that the BBBBs will never be able to completely be independent from civilization (or the material world.) It is a very easy link to follow sunblock=take care of yourself or you get cancer and die and won’t be able to enjoy the rest of your life as a beach bum=reminder of civilization and need for health care at times.

Polarization of Meaning:

The Coconut tree is a symbol that has polarization of meaning. This means that the coconut tree has two distinct poles of meanings to the Banana Beach Bum Crew. The physiological meaning of the Coconut tree is a meaning that is closely related to the outward form of this symbol. What this translates into for the BBBBs is that the coconut tree is a physiological symbol of breast milk=maturity of the BBBBs=ability to take care of themselves responsibly, but it still allows time for them to relax. The ideological pole of the coconut tree symbol is the fact that the coconut tree symbolizes relaxation to all BBBBs. It is a daily reminder through the presence of the tree itself, the coconuts, and even the usage of Banana Boat Sunblock that smells like coconuts, to take it easy in a world that likes to rush through life at full speed.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Important Stuff (Symbols)


The fish is a religious symbol of never ending prosperity to the BBBBs. There is always a supplies of fresh fish to catch and it is with this fish that the BBBBs are able to live on the beach without worries of starving to death. The original idea to become a Banana Boat Beach Bum started while catching fish. The founders of the BBBBs were down to their last 5 dollars and needed to figure out how to survive. Fishing allows them not only to feed themselves, but to make a little extra money. BBBBs will only feast on fish after they have thanked Mother Earth for providing them with a means to live.

Quarter Image: http://www.collectspace.com/news/news-060102a.html

The quarter is a govermental symbol of independance to the BBBB. BBBBs do not require a large sum of money in order to survive on the beach. Their use of money is mostly for hygenic purposes along with small snacks if they need them. The quarter symbolizes their ability to be independant in society that moved away from the need for physical possessions. BBBBs only use what they truly need. There is no need for senseless shopping for clothes, videos, etc. The quarter helps affirms that they needs are minimal in a materialistic society.

Banana Boat Sunblock Image:http://www.beautyencounter.com/buy/banana-boat-surf-sunblock-with-aquashield-h2o-protection-spf-30/079656007121/104071

Banana Boat Sunblock is an important symbol to BBBBs. This specific brand of sunblock not only is used to prevent sunburn to BBBBs that spend most of their time outside, but it signifies their "extended vacation." BBBBs originally started a vacationers that lost their passports and were unable to return home. Banana Boat sunblock is a reminder of the civilization that they left behind. Yes, Banana Boat Beach Bum shirk responsibility, but not when it comes to skin cancer.

Coconut Tree
Coconut Image: http://www.featurepics.com/online/Coconut-Palm-Tree-Pics102695.aspx

The coconut tree is another important symbol to the BBBBs. This symbol is a symbol that reflects the BBBBs attitude toward family and kinship.  Not only do coconut trees provide food and shade. Coconut trees are a symbol of relaxation to this Beach Bum society. The coconut tree, fruit, and even the Banana Boat coconut scented sunblock are a daily reminder that life on the beach is easy, and to relax. It's no fun being a bum if you have to work all the time!