Saturday, June 30, 2012

Ritual Classification

Religious Institution-->Fish-->Technology Ritual

Fishing is a technology ritual because technology rituals involve hunting and gathering of food. BBBBs spend a good portion their mornings trying to catch fish from the ocean. Fishing is a way for BBBBs to gather a sufficient amount of food that will allow for the survival of their community. Fish are fished for every single morning in the community of the BBBBs. It is accepted as a daily part of life, and new members to the BBBBs are introduced to this ritual from their very first day as part of the Banana Boat Beach Bum Crew. New members quickly learn the importance of fishing, and of thanking Mother Earth for the food that is provided to BBBB members.

Governmental InstitutionàQuarteràIdeological Ritual               

Ideological rituals serve to maintain normal function of communities and define good and evil. The quarter helps articulate the world view and morals of the BBBBs. They are constantly reminded through this small denomination of money that they are still part of a world that they wish to escape. BBBBs do not care about worldly goods. They only keep enough money available to meet their basic needs, and most of the time the quarter is used for hygienic purposes. BBBBs do not want to be a part of an evil world and the quarter is a constant reminder of the problems that money can cause.

CivilizationàSunblockàRevitalization Ritual

A revitalization ritual is a ritual in which something is identified that has made someone in a group ill. This is the main reason for the obsessive use of Banana Boat sunblock in the BBBB culture. They know that spending too much time in the sun without proper protection will cause skin cancer in the long run. In the short run, they understand that not using sunblock to protect themselves can lead to a very severe sunburn and possibly blisters and infection. The revitalization ritual of sunblock is to prevent any illness from occurring to any BBBB member.

Coconut TreeàFamilyàRite of Identification

BBBBs gather under coconut trees during meal times and during any free time that they have. They use the coconut tree as a gathering place and as a place to hold any discussion that might be necessary for their community. The coconut tree is categorized under “Rite of Identification” because it reinforces values that the BBBBs find important. It is a place where the BBBBs talk, eat, and share stories with each other. Because the BBBBs live in the tropics, and there is seldom much shade available, the coconut tree’s shared shade and the time spent discussing and talking about the importance of life, helps to strengthen the BBBBs group identity. This is where BBBBs are reminded on a daily basis how great it is to be a beach bum.

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