Friday, June 15, 2012

Symbol Theory


The quarter is an example of a condensation symbol.  A condensation symbol according to Victor Turner is a “symbol that synthesizes a variety of meanings within one single form.” The quarter represents not only independence, but it also is a daily reminder that the Banana Boat Beach Bums do not need a lot in order to survive. It is by getting back to the basics that the BBBBs have been able to successfully and peacefully live in this manner. There is never any fighting about who has a better swimsuit, or who ate a big juicy steak for dinner, because with a very small monetary amount (quarters) BBBBs are able to provide for all their basic needs.  It is a daily reminder that they do not need to be materialistic in a world that thrives on selling everything. The quarter is considered a condensation symbol because it has more than one meaning.

Unification of Disparate Significata:

The significance of sunblock to the Banana Boat Beach Bum Crew is extremely important. The significance of the deeper meanings of this symbol is interconnected by the common possession of analogous qualities. This basically means that a lot of different ideas and meanings that might not make sense to an outsider (or in all honesty be apparent to an outsider) are present in the symbol of sunblock to the BBBBs. At the simplest level, Banana Boat Sunblock represents the BBBBs “extended vacation” (and by extended I mean never ending) It is only well this symbol is examined that it is seen that it is not just skin cancer preventing sunblock to the BBBBs, but it is reminder that the BBBBs will never be able to completely be independent from civilization (or the material world.) It is a very easy link to follow sunblock=take care of yourself or you get cancer and die and won’t be able to enjoy the rest of your life as a beach bum=reminder of civilization and need for health care at times.

Polarization of Meaning:

The Coconut tree is a symbol that has polarization of meaning. This means that the coconut tree has two distinct poles of meanings to the Banana Beach Bum Crew. The physiological meaning of the Coconut tree is a meaning that is closely related to the outward form of this symbol. What this translates into for the BBBBs is that the coconut tree is a physiological symbol of breast milk=maturity of the BBBBs=ability to take care of themselves responsibly, but it still allows time for them to relax. The ideological pole of the coconut tree symbol is the fact that the coconut tree symbolizes relaxation to all BBBBs. It is a daily reminder through the presence of the tree itself, the coconuts, and even the usage of Banana Boat Sunblock that smells like coconuts, to take it easy in a world that likes to rush through life at full speed.

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